| Read Time: 1 minute | Car Accidents

What types of auto-involved accidents are most fatal?

Motor vehicle accidents are one of many different auto-involved types of incidents that the National Safety Council (NSC) describes as causing preventable injuries. Car crashes and other motor vehicle accidents, when grouped together with falls and poisonings, are responsible for 82% of preventable deaths that occur here in Texas and across the United States each year. Data that the NSC compiled...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Car Accidents

Much like drunk drivers, distracted drivers think they’re safe

There is a well-known phenomenon involving drunk drivers where they consistently underestimate how alcohol has impaired their ability to drive. There are many reasons for this. Alcohol may increase someone’s sense of confidence and decrease their anxieties are reservations. People who drink frequently may be under the mistaken impression that they can better control their actions while impaired, especially...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Car Accidents

Mysterious fires engulfing some BMWs

If you are in the market for a new BMW or have recently purchased one, you are probably drawn to the notion of the car being “the ultimate driving machine.” Indeed, BMW’s performance has wowed driving enthusiasts for decades. The technological advances have further increased their popularity. However, a recent rash of random fires has created a mystery that...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Car Accidents

The difference between aggressive and passive tailgating

Tailgating, no matter how it happens, is dangerous. Take one drive across town and you’ll see that people do it constantly, but the risks are enormous. It massively increases the odds of a chain-reaction accident. It also increases the odds of an easily avoidable accident when something unexpected happens. A dog runs into the road, for instance, and you...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Car Accidents

Safety trips for winter driving

Unfortunately, life does not stop and wait for bad weather to pass by. Through rain, sleet and sometimes snow, we still have to drive to work, school or just to the supermarket to stock up on hot cocoa. However, driving through Waco or getting out on IH 35 in bad winter weather takes on a new level of danger...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Car Accidents

Drowsy driving: A national safety crisis that’s preventable

Around 2.6 percent of all fatalities recorded in a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s database is related to drowsy driving. While that figure is from 2014, when 846 people died in crashes caused by this problem, it should be noted that the problem has remained fairly constant for as long as the records have been kept. The issue of fatigued...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Car Accidents

3 tips for keeping records after a car accident

You’re involved in a car accident, and a family member is injured. You stay at the scene as the injured party and another family member are taken to the hospital. You already know your family is going to be facing medical bills and a lot of related costs. To help, you need to record as much as you can...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Car Accidents

Watch out for drunk drivers in Waco this New Year’s Eve and Day

Next week will mark the start of a new decade. Many individuals will be heading out on New Year’s Eve to celebrate this event with other partygoers. Some will attend house parties at a friend or family member’s house. Whatever your plans are, make sure to remain extra vigilant for drunk drivers out on the roads here in Waco. There’s a...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Car Accidents

Tired teens crash more often

Teen drivers face a lot of risks on the road. They lack experience since they simply haven’t been driving as long as adults. They may have distractions, such as friends or cellphones, in the car with them. These are all reasons that accident rates are so high. The National Traffic Highway Safety Administration (NTHSA) notes that another serious risk...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Car Accidents

6 frightening facts about car accidents

You don’t worry about car accidents. You’ve been driving for years and you have never even been involved in one. You have certainly never gotten hurt. You feel like they get a lot of talk on the news, but you do not think they’re all that big of a threat. Of course, you know they happen. You have seen...

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