The terminology “head injury” can sound quite dismal. There are many different conditions including contusions or bruises, skull fractures, concussions, cuts, internal bleeding, open wounds or brain damage that are considered as head injuries though. Some patients can recover from some of these conditions more easily than others. Children often have a better chance of recovery than adults.
Children who are at the highest risk of suffering head injuries are teens. They’re most apt to getting hurt during the spring or summer. Kids who play contact sports recreationally or as part of a league are particularly vulnerable for concussions. Boys have a higher injury incidence rate than girls.
Those children who suffer head injuries may not experience immediate, noticeable adverse symptoms after getting hurt. Any ill-effects that your son or daughter may vary depending on the severity of their condition.
A child who suffers a mild head injury may notice that their head is bruised, swelling along with their skull or a cut along their scalp. You, as a parent, may notice that your child has become increasingly irritable or that they’re complaining of headaches, feeling tired or confused or that they’re experiencing increased sensitivity to light or sound.
There are some telltale signs that you’ll want to look for that will let you know that your son or daughter may be suffering from a severe head injury. If your child has a persistent headache, starts experiencing convulsions or seizures, loses consciousness, develops slurred speech, has nausea or develops short-term memory problems, then they could be suffering from a more serious head injury.
You shouldn’t try self-diagnose your child’s symptoms. You should have their pediatrician or emergency room doctor check them out. Your son or daughter’s physician will likely perform a battery of blood tests and radiological studies, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) scan and X-rays to arrive at an appropriate diagnosis.
While some head injuries may leave a child with lasting impairments, children can easily overcome others by simply receiving timely medical care and intervention. Your child’s doctor can go over how that works. A child injury attorney here in Waco can explain how Texas law allows you to hold those negligent individuals who didn’t do enough to prevent your son or daughter’s injuries accountable for their actions.