While many people throw around the word “bullying,” few have a clear understanding of what exactly entails. In short, it’s any type of undesired, aggressive action taken by a child against another one. Any power imbalance between peers such as this may be deemed as bullying, especially if it’s repeatedly enforced. Such treatment can leave a lasting impact on an individual’s life.
A study conducted by the Bureau of Justice and the National Center for Educational Statistics in 2017 revealed that 20% all of all American students between the ages of 12 and 18 had experienced bullying. Another report published that same year by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that 19% of all students in grades 9-12 were bullied at school in the year before their survey was conducted.
According to the federal website stopbullying.gov, there are three primary types of bullying that individuals may engage in.
Physical bullying involves a person’s private possessions or their self being hurt. Pushing, tripping, spitting, pinching, hitting and kicking are all considered to be examples of this. Anyone who has rude hand gestures used against them may have been physically bullied. Anyone who has their belongings broken or taken may be deemed to have been as well.
Verbal bullying can take on many different forms. Name-calling, inappropriate sexual comments, taunting, teasing or threats of harm are all examples of this.
Social bullying is another concern as it can affect a child’s relationships and reputation. Anyone who tells someone else who to be friends with or purposely excludes someone else from an activity may have engaged in social bullying. Anyone who embarrasses another person in public or spreads rumors may be deemed to have done this as well.
Bullying of any type can happen on the playground, during class, at lunch, after school and virtually any other time during the school year. It can affect a child’s development and their academic performance and in many other aspects of their lives. You must protect your child now!
A child injury attorney can tell you about a Waco school’s responsibility to stop any bullying that they witness. They can also advise you of your rights to sue them if they failed to take the necessary steps that are required of them here in Texas to put an end to such ill-treatment of your child.