| Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos | Lesiones infantiles

¿Cómo cuidar a un niño con traumatismo craneoencefálico?

El cuidado de un niño con una lesión cerebral traumática (LCT) puede ser estresante, emocional, desalentador y difícil a veces. Los padres tienen un amor incondicional por sus hijos y realmente se nota en los momentos de desesperación, adversidad y estrés. Si su hijo sufre una LCT, por el motivo que sea, querrá conocer las formas adecuadas de cuidarlo...

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| Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos | Accidentes de tráfico

¿Qué debe hacer la víctima de un atropello con fuga?

The rules of the road help keep drivers across Texas as safe as possible. Unfortunately, violations of those rules are incredibly common, which is one of the reasons there are so many collisions to begin with. For example, people know that they shouldn’t go over the speed limit or get behind the wheel after drinking, but they may choose...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Motorcycle Accidents

Un hombre de Temple muere al colisionar su motocicleta con un vehículo

Un joven de 23 años de Temple perdió la vida cuando su motocicleta y un coche chocaron en Waco el 2 de febrero por la noche. Según un portavoz del Departamento de Policía de Waco (WPD), los policías empezaron a recibir llamadas alertando de un accidente que había ocurrido en el bloque 1400 de N. Valley Mills Dr. justo después de las 11:15 p.m. ....

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| Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos | Lesiones infantiles

¿Qué ocurre si mi hijo sufre una lesión en el equipo universitario de fútbol?

As we head into summertime and students move from one grade to another, many schools begin working with student athletes to strengthen their teams in time for football season in the fall semester. Throughout the country, the long-term effects of football injuries are causing many parents to rethink allowing their children to play the sport, but here in Texas...

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| Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos | Artículos

Señales de alarma que ayudan a descubrir una guardería peligrosa

Dejar a tus hijos en una guardería supone un acto de fe. Pones la vida de tus hijos en manos de otra persona. Hasta ese momento, puede que siempre hubieras tenido el control. Ahora se lo cede a otra persona. Si se siente nervioso, no se limite a pensar que tiene los mismos nervios que todos los padres...

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| Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos | Accidentes de tráfico

Coches sin conductor y accidentes de tráfico

The population of Texas is expected to double by 2050. From housing availability to roads, this growth will impact the state’s infrastructure in previously unforeseen ways. Although there could be more cars on the road due to a population boom, we may actually see fewer drivers. Ten million driverless cars, popularized by the brand Tesla, are expected to hit...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Child Injury

¿Deben los conductores tener cuidado con los niños que van en bicicleta?

Although all motorists are expected to be careful when driving their cars near motorcyclists, pedestrians and bicyclists, there are some who aren’t. Their failure to exercise this duty of care results in thousands of individuals being struck by vehicles each year. The large majority of bicyclists that are hit by motorists are children. In order for a plaintiff to be successful...

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| Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos | Accidentes de tráfico

El Departamento de Bomberos de Waco insta a los automovilistas a estar atentos en la Interestatal 35

A Waco Fire Department spokesperson issued a public notice on May 6 warning all motorists to use more caution when traveling along Interstate 35’s construction zones. They issued this warning after one of their firetrucks was struck this past Sunday. While no one got hurt in this most recent crash, construction has only just begun on I-35. It was...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Car Accidents

¿Es la interestatal más peligrosa que una carretera normal?

For many young drivers, the interstate feels more dangerous than a traditional, two-lane road. Everything moves quickly, they have brand new skills to learn regarding merging and ramps and they feel like an accident on an interstate would result in greater injuries. However, the reality is that the interstate, according to highway engineers, is far safer than older, two-lane roads....

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Child Injury

Los 3 tipos más comunes de demandas por lesiones infantiles

At the Zimmerman Law Firm, PC, we assist families in the pursuit of personal injury claims related to injured children. These cases are often different from claims that involve injured adults. That’s because children are more vulnerable to getting hurt and adults need to be extra careful to prevent such injuries. Most of the child injury cases that we...

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