It’s summer. Most children are busy at camp, at the pool, traveling or doing several other activities for the next few weeks until school starts back once again. Since kids are running around here and there, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that there’s an uptick in them getting hurt during the summer months. According to the Nationwide Children’s Hospital, there are several common ways that children get hurt during the summer. Here are a few:
Many kids spend time at different pools during the summer. Some are staffed by lifeguards and are maintained by third-parties while others are not. Drownings can happen anywhere.
Parents and caregivers should always keep a close eye on their kids, even when they put approved flotation devices on them. Pools should be surrounded by a fence or netting that makes it difficult for any child to gain access to it. Caregivers should take time to learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) just in case it’s ever needed.
When most people think of summer, fireworks and campfires often come to mind. These and hot food and scalding liquids cause the majority of kids’ serious burns over the summer. Parents should never let their kids set off fireworks, should monitor them around campfires and keep food away from edges of tables so that it won’t inadvertently fall on them.
Bike injuries
Many kids take to the sidewalk or neighborhood streets to ride their bikes during the summer. Sadly, many fall off their bicycles when they hit the uneven pavement or get struck by cars.
Texas parents can help minimize the risk of their kids getting hurt by checking to make sure that their bike’s handlebars and seat are properly fitted for them. They should also require their kids to always wear a helmet. In addition, kids should be taught to walk alongside their bikes at intersections and how to use hand signals.
If your son or daughter has been seriously injured at a public place or a friend’s house here in Waco, then you should protect your child now! After you get them the emergency medical attention that they need, your next call should be to a child injury attorney who can help you hold the negligent parties accountable for their actions.