There is no accurate average semi-truck accident settlement–at least one that is useful– because each case possesses a unique set of facts and variables.
Many factors will influence a truck accident settlement amount, making it challenging to calculate an average.
With that being said, many truck accidents can involve multiple defendants, severe injuries, and significant property damage, leading to large settlements.
If you or someone you love was recently the victim of a truck accident, it is imperative to seek legal counsel with a Texas truck accident lawyers as soon as possible.
Contact the team at The Zimmerman Law Firm to schedule a meeting with one of our personal injury attorneys.
Common Types of Truck Accidents
Due to a big rig’s unique size and characteristics, several types of accidents are common to trucks.
These include:
- Jackknife accidents,
- Rollovers,
- Override accidents, and
- Underride accidents.
The consequences of these types of truck accidents can be horrific and scary. Let us help you.
Is There a Semi Truck Accident Settlement Calculator?
Unfortunately, no, there is no semi-truck accident settlement calculator.
The simple reason for this is that semi-truck accident settlements are calculated based on the individual facts and circumstances of the case.
Further, many insurance companies have an internal formula for estimating settlements.
How Are Truck Accident Settlements Calculated?
While there is no settlement calculator, there are several factors that will be taken into account when determining big rig accident settlements.
Severity of Injuries
You will have higher medical bills and costs if you require extensive medical care.
Financial Loss
How significant is the plaintiff’s financial loss (e.g., lost wages, vehicle repair bills)?
Applicable Texas Law
Texas is a modified comparative negligence state which allows a plaintiff to recover damages only if their fault is less than 51%.
If a plaintiff is found to be more than 51% at fault, they may be barred from recovery.
Insurance Policy Limits
Most insurance policies have maximum caps on the amount they will pay toward a claim, which can limit the settlement offer you receive.
Do I Need A Truck Accident Attorney?
It is no mystery that truck accidents can cause severe damage and injury and often involve multiple parties. Because of this, a truck accident case can be complex and challenging to navigate on your own.
Having a knowledgeable truck accident lawyer advocating for you can make pursuing a claim easier.
Our truck accident lawyers can negotiate a possible settlement with insurance adjusters and navigate your case through trial if necessary.
Your focus should be on your recovery. Let us handle the rest.
After assessing your case, one of our experienced truck accident attorneys will have a good understanding of what compensation you may be able to expect.
Get in Touch With a Texas Truck Accident Lawyer Today
You may ask yourself, What is the average settlement for a semi-truck accident?
While there is no short answer, truck accident settlements have the potential to be six or seven figures.
At The Zimmerman Law Firm, we have the expertise and resources necessary to get you the outcome you deserve. Remember, we don’t get paid unless you do.
Contact us to schedule a no-obligation consultation with your truck accident attorney.
Related Reading
How to Handle Insurance Companies After a Truck Accident in Texas
How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Truck Accident Lawyer in Texas?