Driving should never be thought of as a recreational activity, but many motorists here in Waco treat it that way. Drivers speed, cut fellow car operators off, run lights and don’t yield to others’ right of ways. This often results in crashes. Motorists are vulnerable to breaking their bones in some of the more serious types of accidents.
Motorists are most apt to suffer either a skull or facial fracture if their head strikes the dashboard or windshield. A driver is most apt to suffer this type of injury when they don’t wear their seat belt.
Back fractures often result from either rear-impact or head-on crashes. It’s not uncommon for motorists to be left with fractured disks after becoming involved in such a collision.
Clavicle fractures are most apt to occur when a motorist is struck from behind. The force with which a driver’s body is thrust forward can cause the fragile collar bone to break.
Wrist, hand and arm fractures often occur when an air bag inflates or a motorist tries to brace oneself to avoid feeling the brunt of the impact of a rear or front-end crash.
Rib fractures can be caused by both the pressure applied by a seat belt and an air bag.
Although it’s one of the strongest bones in the human body, an individual may fracture their femur if they’re involved in a high impact crash.
Motorists who are involved in crashes can generally expect to suffer some pretty serious injuries if they’re struck due to them not having the protection of the outer shell of a vehicle around them. Car operators are vulnerable to getting seriously hurt though, especially if they are involved in high-speed or high-impact crash.
Texas law allows you to recover damages if a negligent motorist crashes into you. An attorney can advise you of the steps that you need to take to file suit against the person who hit you.