If you have sustained injuries in a personal injury accident in Texas, you may have a legal claim for relief.
However, it is important to note that your right to recovery does not extend indefinitely. Rather, there is a time limit on when you must file your personal injury lawsuit. This is what is known as a “statute of limitations.”
Failure to adhere to the statute of limitations can have significant implications for your ability to bring your claim. Thus, it is imperative that you know and understand the Texas statute of limitations for personal injury claims.
If you have questions about your personal injury case and how the Texas personal injury statute of limitations might affect you, contact The Zimmerman Law Firm today. Our experienced Central Texas personal injury attorneys can help you evaluate your case and determine your best path toward recovery.
Texas Personal Injury Statute of Limitations
As a general matter, the statute of limitations for personal injury in Texas is two years from the date the cause of action accrues. This means that you must file your personal injury lawsuit in a court of law no later than two years after the event that caused your personal injury.
What Happens If the Texas Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury Deadline Passes?
Failure to bring your lawsuit within the prescribed statute of limitations time frame can result in losing your right to bring your claim at all. If you miss your deadline, then you may not be entitled to any compensation whatsoever, regardless of whether your underlying claims are valid.
Thus, it is absolutely crucial that you take action as soon as possible after your personal injury accident. Doing so can ensure that you preserve your rights and get the compensation you need and deserve.
Are There Any Exceptions to the Two-Year Statute of Limitations Deadline?
While two years is the standard statute of limitations for personal injury claims, there are a few exceptions. Some examples include personal injury claims arising out of or related to:
- Sexual assault,
- Asbestos-related injuries, or
- Silica-related injuries.
The statute of limitations also may be longer for a person who is under a legal disability.
Speak with an experienced Texas personal injury attorney to discuss whether any of these exceptions apply to your case.
How the Deadline Changes When You Have a Case Against the Government
Additionally, the statute of limitations deadline may change if you have a potential claim against the government.
Namely, a governmental unit must receive notice of a claim within six months after the date of the incident giving rise to the personal injury claim. This notice must describe the:
- Damage or injury claimed;
- Time and place of the incident; and
- Incident itself.
If you believe you may have a personal injury claim against a Texas governmental unit, timing is even more crucial than in other circumstances. Contact an attorney as soon as possible to discuss your options moving forward.
Questions? Contact a Texas Personal Injury Attorney Today
A personal injury accident can have a monumental impact on your life, but a personal injury claim can help you obtain the compensation you need to work toward your recovery. Don’t let the Texas statute of limitations for personal injury claims keep you from getting the recovery you deserve.
The Zimmerman Law Firm is a Texas firm dedicated to helping personal injury victims in need. We have offices throughout Texas and are equipped to handle a wide variety of personal injury claims.
If you have questions about the Texas statute of limitations for personal injury cases, we want to help. Contact our team today to discuss your case and see what we can do for you.