| Read Time: < 1 minute | Premises Liability

Las prisas y el trabajo apresurado conllevan graves riesgos

Do you feel like you are constantly rushing to get your work done? You’re not alone, and safety experts point out that this endless “hurried working” can massively elevate risks and lead directly to injuries. They also point out that many people say, after the fact, that the reasons they were rushing were not all that important. They seemed...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Premises Liability

¿Cuáles son las principales causas de incapacidad laboral?

A major workplace injury that leaves you with disabling injuries can change the course of your entire life. You may never work again. It can alter your day-to-day routine, your personal relationships, what hobbies you pursue, and much more. In short, that one fateful event on the job can have a lasting impact that you never fully overcome. To...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Premises Liability

Una molestia atractiva: El riesgo de tener una piscina

Swimming pools are a lot of fun, especially when the weather gets hot. It’s good exercise to go swimming, and you might love having pool parties at your home. With summer just around the corner, it’s a good idea to think about liability for your home swimming pool. Who is liable if a child falls in and drowns? What...

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| Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos | Responsabilidad civil

¿Qué peligros acechan en su centro comercial?

The holiday season has long passed but that doesn’t stop Waco residents from heading out to Texas shopping centers and malls to snag a good deal. Many people view shopping as a type of therapeutic experience — even though there are so many ways that someone can get hurt while out shopping. You don’t even have to leave your vehicle...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Premises Liability

Buscar una compensación económica tras un accidente con un carrito de la compra

Shopping carts are useful tools to push around the grocery store to carry your purchases, right? They are indeed useful when they’re used the right way and when they’re in good repair. However, when parents use them to carry their children, or when shopping carts are used in an inappropriate manner, they can be dangerous — especially if they...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Premises Liability

¿Qué puede hacer un empresario para proteger a los trabajadores cerca de las máquinas?

From a small carpenter’s shop to a plant owned by an international car company, the use of machines brings a certain level of risk. Workers can be injured or killed on the job by heavy machinery when it’s used improperly or when safety procedures are not in place. So, what should an employer do to keep workers safe and...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Premises Liability

¿Qué señales de seguridad necesita una empresa?

A business owner has a responsibility to work to keep employees safe and out of harm’s way, and that can often be done with the use of safety signs. These can instruct employees, alert them to dangers and raise general awareness regarding the hazards of the workplace. All of that can cut down on accidents. So, what signs does...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Premises Liability

¿Cómo evitan los propietarios de edificios las lesiones relacionadas con incendios?

If you’ve ever talked to the fire department about safety precautions in your own home, they’ve probably told you to make sure that you have multiple working smoke detectors and to have an evacuation plan. Sit down with your family and talk about where you’ll go and what you’ll do if the alarm goes off. This way, in a...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Premises Liability

¿Reciben hombres y mujeres la misma indemnización por accidente laboral?

Gender discrimination is illegal in the workplace. Women and men must get the same opportunities and the same treatment. This applies to all aspects of work, from hiring to promotions to raises and much more. Does it also apply to workers’ compensation? While it intuitively feels like it should, there have been some famous cases where women felt they...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Premises Liability

Tenga cuidado de no hacerse daño comprando

When people are asked what comes to mind when they hear the word shopping, they often say making purchases. Very few individuals concern themselves with getting hurt while out at the store. Shopping injuries are quite common though. These types of incidents often occur because store owners fail to warn their workers or shoppers of certain hazards or to keep their...

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