| Read Time: 4 minutes | Car Accidents

What to Do After a Car Accident in Killeen, TX

Getting into a car accident is an overwhelming experience that can leave you shaken and unsure of what to do next. Whether it’s a minor fender bender or a more serious collision, knowing what steps to take immediately after an accident can significantly affect your ability to recover and protect your rights. At The Zimmerman Law Firm, P.C., we understand...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Car Accidents

Qué es la Ley de Manos Libres de Texas: ¿Cuáles son las leyes?

Distracting driving can be a big problem, though it is difficult to track how many incidents are distracted driving-related. In the U.S. in 2018, over 2,800 people were killed and an estimated 400,000 were injured in crashes involving a distracted driver. Distracted driving is anything that diverts the attention of the driver from the road. New cell phone laws...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Car Accidents

Los 10 vehículos más peligrosos de Estados Unidos

Con el desarrollo del mundo posterior a la pandemia del COVID-19, la gente realiza más actividades y viaja más. A medida que más coches entran en la carretera, hay un mayor riesgo de accidentes automovilísticos y muertes. El bufete de abogados Zimmerman Law Firm, P.C., lucha por las víctimas de accidentes automovilísticos en todo Texas. Tratamos a nuestros clientes con compasión y profesionalismo, y respetamos el hecho de que el accidente automovilístico...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Car Accidents

Qué hacer tras un accidente de tráfico con un conductor sin carné

If you were recently in a car wreck and learned the other driver was unlicensed, you may Google things such as, “What happens if an unlicensed driver has an accident with my car?” or “What to do after a car accident with an unlicensed driver?” Many of the steps you will take after a car accident with an unlicensed...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Car Accidents

How to Find the Best Car Accident Lawyer Near Me

Suppose you live in or near Waco, Texas, and were recently injured in a car accident. In that case, you may have found yourself typing an internet search for “car accident lawyer near me” or “best car accident lawyer,” hoping the perfect attorney would be jumping off the screen at you. However, when you hit enter on your keyboard, you...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Car Accidents

¿Cuánto tiempo tiene para presentar una demanda por accidente de coche en Texas?

¿Cuánto tiempo tiene para presentar una reclamación de seguro de coche en Texas después de un accidente? Eso depende de la identidad del conductor culpable. Si un conductor le golpea mientras realiza el trabajo del gobierno, usted tiene seis meses para notificar al gobierno de su reclamo. Si el conductor culpable es un civil, usted tiene dos años para demandar por...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Car Accidents

¿Cuánto se deprecia un coche tras un accidente?

Los accidentes de coche pueden tener consecuencias que alteran la vida, causando lesiones físicas, angustia emocional y dificultades financieras. Mientras que la reparación de los daños a su coche después de un accidente es una prioridad, un aspecto crucial que a menudo se descuida es la disminución del valor de su vehículo. Aunque su coche vuelva a estar como antes del accidente, su valor de reventa puede disminuir considerablemente. Pero ¿cuánto...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Car Accidents

What to Do After a Car Accident That Wasn’t Your Fault?

When you’re involved in a car accident, knowing the proper steps to take immediately can be crucial for your safety and the outcome of any legal claims. Understandably, you might wonder what to do after a car accident that is not your fault. Because Texas is an at-fault state, you have the right to pursue compensation for your injuries and...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Car Accidents

What Should I Do If Another Car Caused Me to Crash?

Being involved in any car accident is overwhelming and scary, but when another car causes you to crash, it can be especially frightening. You may be asking yourself, Another car caused me to crash, so now what? Your head may be spinning while determining whether you or the other driver is responsible and what to do moving forward. This...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Car Accidents

Maximizing Your Car Accident Insurance Settlement: Essential Negotiation Tips

After a car accident, you might not initially want to file a lawsuit but rather settle your claim with the insurance company for a fair amount and move on with your life. That’s reasonable, but you might be wondering how to negotiate with an insurance company after a car accident. This blog discusses 7 essential negotiation tips for your...

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