| Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos | Accidentes de camión

Las devastadoras colisiones por empotramiento son casi siempre evitables.

Hay muchos tipos diferentes de accidentes de camiones que pueden ocurrir, pero el más aterrador y peligroso es probablemente la colisión underride. Una colisión por empotramiento ocurre cuando la fuerza de un choque o la velocidad de un vehículo empuja a un vehículo más pequeño debajo de las ruedas o el remolque de un vehículo comercial masivo. Como probablemente pueda imaginar sólo por esta descripción,...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Premises Liability

¿Qué puede hacer un empresario para proteger a los trabajadores cerca de las máquinas?

From a small carpenter’s shop to a plant owned by an international car company, the use of machines brings a certain level of risk. Workers can be injured or killed on the job by heavy machinery when it’s used improperly or when safety procedures are not in place. So, what should an employer do to keep workers safe and...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Car Accidents

Un hombre de Waco se declara culpable de provocar un accidente en el que murieron 2 bebés

A 47-year-old Waco resident entered a guilty plea to a single manslaughter charge and also two aggravated assault counts on Tuesday, Feb. 13 in a McLennan County courtroom. The man had originally been indicted on two different manslaughter counts by a grand jury in McLennan county. Prosecutors apparently decided to drop one of those charges against him after reviewing...

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| Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos | Accidentes de camión

Las políticas de empresa pueden empujar a los camioneros a conducir durante demasiado tiempo

Hay muchos factores que pueden contribuir a una colisión grave y potencialmente mortal con un camión comercial. La distracción del conductor del camión comercial o del vehículo de pasajeros más pequeño puede resultar mortal, al igual que la intoxicación. Otro factor de riesgo grave que con demasiada frecuencia se pasa por alto es el impacto de la conducción somnolienta. Conducir fatigado puede aumentar los tiempos de respuesta,...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Premises Liability

¿Qué señales de seguridad necesita una empresa?

A business owner has a responsibility to work to keep employees safe and out of harm’s way, and that can often be done with the use of safety signs. These can instruct employees, alert them to dangers and raise general awareness regarding the hazards of the workplace. All of that can cut down on accidents. So, what signs does...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Premises Liability

¿Cómo evitan los propietarios de edificios las lesiones relacionadas con incendios?

If you’ve ever talked to the fire department about safety precautions in your own home, they’ve probably told you to make sure that you have multiple working smoke detectors and to have an evacuation plan. Sit down with your family and talk about where you’ll go and what you’ll do if the alarm goes off. This way, in a...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Motorcycle Accidents

Los índices de mortalidad y el riesgo real en moto

A motorcycle offers unparalleled freedom. There is something exciting about the open road, the feeling of the wind and the exposure to the landscape that makes you feel like you’re really a part of it — not just passing through it. However, that freedom does not come without risk. Statistics paint a fairly bleak picture, especially when looking at fatality...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Child Injury

El acoso escolar puede llevar a los padres a emprender acciones legales

A child who is being bullied at school can be impacted in many different ways. There is never a situation in which bullying should be allowed in schools. The school system should take steps to prevent these types of situations and to stop them if they occur. Parents who have children who are the victims might wonder what they...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Car Accidents

Waco es una de las ciudades más seguras para conducir de Texas

A study recently published by QuoteWizard cites Waco as being one of the cities with the safest drivers in Texas. The researchers took a variety of factors into account, including how many car crashes occurred in the city in order to reach this conclusion. During the most recent reporting year of 2017, there were only 3,500 automobile accidents reported....

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Car Accidents

Una carta anónima conduce a la policía de Waco a un conductor que se dio a la fuga

On Oct. 16, 2016, a 19-year-old Baylor University marching band member was struck and killed by a hit-and-run motorist. Waco Police Department struggled to identify the driver believed to have been responsible for his death until September of last year when they received an anonymous letter in the mail. She was taken into custody on March 5. According to police,...

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