| Read Time: 2 minutes | Car Accidents

¿Por qué se producen los accidentes con portón trasero y cómo pueden evitarse?

How many times have you looked into the rearview mirror and noticed another driver practically in the back seat of your car? This is called tailgating. While many of us have been taught to keep our distance from the motorist in front of us, few people do that if they’re in a hurry or there’s bumper-to-bumper traffic. Tailgating isn’t...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Premises Liability

¿Reciben hombres y mujeres la misma indemnización por accidente laboral?

Gender discrimination is illegal in the workplace. Women and men must get the same opportunities and the same treatment. This applies to all aspects of work, from hiring to promotions to raises and much more. Does it also apply to workers’ compensation? While it intuitively feels like it should, there have been some famous cases where women felt they...

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| Read Time: 1 minute | Motorcycle Accidents

Un hombre de Texas ingresa en prisión tras chocar intencionadamente contra una motocicleta

A Texas man will go to jail for 15 years after he purposefully swerved his car into a passing motorcycle. A couple on the motorcycle was attempting to make a pass, when video footage caught the man swerve directly into their path. Earlier this month, a trial by jury convicted the man of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon....

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Premises Liability

Tenga cuidado de no hacerse daño comprando

When people are asked what comes to mind when they hear the word shopping, they often say making purchases. Very few individuals concern themselves with getting hurt while out at the store. Shopping injuries are quite common though. These types of incidents often occur because store owners fail to warn their workers or shoppers of certain hazards or to keep their...

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| Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos | Lesiones infantiles

Responsabilizar a los centros escolares del acoso

Cuando los padres llevan a sus hijos al colegio, esperan que puedan aprender en un entorno seguro. Sin embargo, a medida que se mencionan en las noticias más y más casos de acoso e intimidación cibernéticos, es posible que los padres no deban asumir que sus hijos estarán seguros dentro de los confines académicos. Si ha visitado el área de práctica...

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| Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos | Lesiones infantiles

Los parques acuáticos y las atracciones de verano pueden lesionar a tu hijo

Los parques acuáticos, los carnavales ambulantes y los parques de atracciones son lugares muy frecuentados por las familias durante los meses más cálidos de Texas. Desde que los niños están fuera de la escuela, es más fácil de lo habitual para empacar su familia e ir a pasar un día golpeando a algunos toboganes de agua o montañas rusas. Aunque estos viajes pueden ser una fuente de...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Car Accidents

Un estudio afirma que los adolescentes no son los conductores más peligrosos

Teen drivers are often stereotyped as the worst drivers on America’s roads. They’re inexperienced, detractors say, so they make mistakes that could have easily been avoided. They go on their phones too much, leading to distraction. They’re willing to take risks, like speeding and even racing their cars. They grow out of these activities as they grow up, but,...

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| Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos | Lesiones infantiles

El cinturón de seguridad puede salvar la vida de los niños de Texas

Innumerables niños se lesionan mientras viajan a bordo de autobuses escolares en los EE.UU. cada año. Afortunadamente, el número de heridos en Texas ha disminuido en los últimos años. Esto ha sucedido en gran parte debido a la aprobación de una ley estatal que exige que todos los autobuses escolares grandes estén equipados con cinturones de seguridad. Sin embargo, los accidentes siguen ocurriendo. Aunque...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Car Accidents

Un accidente en la I-35 se cobra la vida de dos hermanas adolescentes de Frisco

Two Frisco, Texas, sisters were killed recently when a pickup truck ran into a sedan carrying the family. The sisters, ages 18 and 16, were riding in a Honda being driven by their father along the Interstate 35 access road in Kyle, Texas, between Austin and San Antonio. The driver of a Dodge pickup truck, a 61-year-old man, was arrested after...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Car Accidents

Te sorprenderá la cantidad de muertes que causa la niebla

It is clear that the weather has a huge impact on driving conditions. Flooding washes out roads, high winds wreak havoc with semi trucks and trailers, heavy rain leads to slick pavement and hydroplaning, and the occasional Texas snowfall gives many drivers a challenge they have never had to deal with before. However, one serious hazard that many people...

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