| Read Time: 2 minutes | Injuries

Para los peatones, las intersecciones suponen un alto riesgo

In theory, you should feel incredibly safe every time you walk across the street in a crosswalk. That walking symbol tells you that you have the right of way. Cars stop and wait for you. Other pedestrians cross in a safe, controlled manner. When everyone is out of the way, the signs change and cars start moving through the...

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| Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos | Lesiones infantiles

Los adultos pueden hacer más para evitar que los niños mueran en accidentes de tráfico

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), car crashes are the leading cause of death for children. They also happen to be the most preventable reason that kids die. CDC data shows that children 12-year-old and younger are particularly vulnerable to being hurt or killed in car crashes. In 2016, some 128,000 kids from this age group...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Car Accidents

¿Qué daños y perjuicios puedo reclamar en mi caso de accidente de tráfico?

Imagine you were driving to pick up your child from school one afternoon, but you never arrived. Instead, you got sideswiped by a semi truck. Fortunately, emergency responders arrived quickly on scene and transported you to the hospital. You were lucky to survive with a broken leg and a broken arm. However, your medical bills are exorbitant. On top...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Car Accidents

Condenan a un conductor ebrio por un accidente mortal en Waco

The 23-year-old man who was responsible for causing a fatal crash here in Waco back in March pleaded guilty to aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and intoxication manslaughter charges on Oct. 14. He will now spend the next two decades in prison because of the poor choices that he made. Court records show that the young defendant had been driving...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Motorcycle Accidents

2 consejos importantes sobre la seguridad del casco de moto

Your motorcycle helmet is your best line of defense against suffering a fatal injury in the event of a collision. For this reason, the selection of your helmet should be taken very seriously. Here is some advice that all motorcyclists should follow pertaining to their helmets. Don’t let your friends borrow your helmet. The memory foam inside most helmets is designed to...

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| Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos | Lesiones infantiles

¿Cuándo puede un niño volver al colegio tras un traumatismo craneoencefálico?

Your child’s daily routines are a source of stability that gives him or her a solid base to develop, grow and learn. However, when your child suffers a traumatic brain injury, it can disrupt his or her routines significantly. For this reason, it’s important that you help your child return to his or her daily school schedule as soon...

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| Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos | Lesiones infantiles

8 peligros comunes para la seguridad en las escuelas de Texas

That first day of school is monumental and exciting for your child, but, as a parent, you can’t help but feel nervous. For years now, you’ve been so focused on your child’s safety. You protect them at every turn. Will your child be safe without you? Below, the Waco, Texas personal injury lawyers at the Zimmerman Law Firm go...

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| Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos | Accidentes de camión

Las devastadoras colisiones por empotramiento son casi siempre evitables.

Hay muchos tipos diferentes de accidentes de camiones que pueden ocurrir, pero el más aterrador y peligroso es probablemente la colisión underride. Una colisión por empotramiento ocurre cuando la fuerza de un choque o la velocidad de un vehículo empuja a un vehículo más pequeño debajo de las ruedas o el remolque de un vehículo comercial masivo. Como probablemente pueda imaginar sólo por esta descripción,...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Premises Liability

¿Qué puede hacer un empresario para proteger a los trabajadores cerca de las máquinas?

From a small carpenter’s shop to a plant owned by an international car company, the use of machines brings a certain level of risk. Workers can be injured or killed on the job by heavy machinery when it’s used improperly or when safety procedures are not in place. So, what should an employer do to keep workers safe and...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Car Accidents

Un hombre de Waco se declara culpable de provocar un accidente en el que murieron 2 bebés

A 47-year-old Waco resident entered a guilty plea to a single manslaughter charge and also two aggravated assault counts on Tuesday, Feb. 13 in a McLennan County courtroom. The man had originally been indicted on two different manslaughter counts by a grand jury in McLennan county. Prosecutors apparently decided to drop one of those charges against him after reviewing...

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