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Lesiones infantiles

A 69-year-old teacher, who was witnessed placing his knee of the back of an 11-year-old student, causing him to suffer injuries, will not face criminal charges for his inappropriate behavior. This is what a McClennan County grand jury decided at the middle of this month.

According to court records, the incident in question was first reported to the Hewitt Police Department (HPD) on October 17, 2018. Witnesses who were questioned by police officers reported that the teacher had forced the 11-year-old student to the ground by placing his knee on the child’s back. They note that the boy’s body came to rest on his stomach and that the teacher continued to hold him down with his knee for between 30 to 40 seconds.

HPD officers continued their investigation from the time the incident was first reported in October until earlier this year. It wasn’t until March 11 that they finally issued a warrant for the Midway Independent School District educator’s arrest. He turned himself into police on injury to a child charges that same day. A judge set his bond at $5,000, and he was released from jail within a matter of a few hours.

Although the grand jury ultimately decided that there wasn’t enough evidence for prosecutors to move forward in trying the case, the buck doesn’t stop there. It’s still possible for the child’s parents to file a civil suit against the former teacher or school district.

Children trust their babysitters, teachers and other adults in positions of authority to take care of them. When that trust is breached, it can affect their development and leaving a lasting impact on their life. A child injury attorney in Waco can hold your son or daughter’s Texas school accountable for failing to protect your child as they should have.

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Michael Zimmerman

Michael nació en Houston, Texas. Estudió en las universidades de Baylor y Texas State, donde se licenció en Ciencias en 1987. Se especializó en Biología y en Química. Terminó su educación legal en Texas Southern University en 1990, obteniendo un Doctorado en Derecho de la Escuela de Derecho Thurgood Marshall. Fue admitido en el Colegio de Abogados del Estado de Texas en 1990.

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